学术论文(#为第一作者, *为通讯作者)
1、Li, C. Z.#, Sun, H.#, Gao, Q., Bian, F. Y., Noman, A., Xiao, W. H., Zhou, G.X., & Lou, Y. G.* (2020). Host plants alter their volatiles to help a solitary egg parasitoid distinguish habitats with parasitized hosts from those without. Plant, Cell & Environment, 43(7): 1740-1750. (IF2020=7.228, 1区top期刊) (封面论文,揭示了褐飞虱卵被稻虱缨小蜂寄生后改变了水稻挥发物α-姜烯的释放量,从而引导寄生蜂找到合适寄主机制)
2、Liao, Z.#, Wang, L.#, Li, C.#, Cao, M., Wang, J., Yao, Z., ... & Lou, Y. * (2022). The lipoxygenase gene OsRCI-1 is involved in the biosynthesis of herbivore-induced JAs and regulates plant defense and growth in rice. Plant, Cell & Environment. DOI: 10.1111/pce.1434 (IF2021=7.947, 1区top期刊)(揭示了水稻脂氧合酶基因OsRCI-1通过调控JA和挥发物参与水稻直接和间接抗虫防御反应的机理)
3、Li, C., Wang, H., Chen, X.*, Yao, J., & Deng, J. (2022). Visual cues and body volatile β-ocimene are used by the blue tiger butterfly Tirumala limniace to identify conspecifics during courtship. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76(12), 163. (IF2022= 2.944, 生物学2区)
4、Li, C., Wang, H., Chen, X. *, Yao, J., Shi, L., & Zhou, C. (2017). Role of visual and olfactory cues in sex recognition in butterfly Cethosia cyane cyane. Scientific Reports, 7, 1-9. (IF2017= 4.122, 综合性3区)
5、Li, C.#, Wang, F.#, Chen, X. *, Zhou, C., & Yao, J. (2015). Adult behavior of Tirumala limniace (Lepidoptera: Danaidae). Journal of Insect Science, 15(1), 76. (IF2015= 0.650, 农林科学3区)
6、李承哲, 陆金城, 潘信达, 肖玉捷, 邓建宇, 周国鑫*, & 娄永根*. (2023). 虫害诱导抗性水稻挥发物增强邻近感性水稻品种对褐飞虱的直接和间接抗性. 昆虫学报, 66(3), 351-359.
7、李承哲, 王华, 唐宇翀, 陈晓鸣*, 姚俊, 石雷, & 周成理. (2017). 青斑蝶成虫释放诱集研究. 应用昆虫学报, 54(2), 317-324.
1、陈晓鸣; 唐宇翀; 周成理; 史军义; 李承哲; 王华; 一种引诱蝴蝶访花的装置, 2017-2-8, 中国, ZL201521118822.6.