1. 植物真菌病害致病机制
2. 植物真菌病害抗药性治理
3. 生物防治技术开发
2011.09 - 2016.06 南京农业大学,植物保护学院,植物病理学,硕博连读,获得植物病理学博士学位
2007.09 - 2011.07 浙江农林大学,林业与生物技术学院,林学(森林植物保护与检疫),本科,获得农学学士学位
2022.12-至今 浙江农林大学立博体育亚洲官网手机版,副教授
2016.07 - 2022.12 浙江农林大学立博体育亚洲官网手机版,讲师
1. 农业植物病理学
2. 植物保护基础教学实习
3. 植物保护综合教学实习
1. 浙江省基础公益研究计划项目, LGN20C140002,2019-2022,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31801779,2018-2021,主持
3. 浙江农林大学科研发展基金项目,2017FR002,2017-2019,主持
4. 浙江省科技厅重大专项项目,2020C02005,2020-2023,参与
1. Jianyan Wu, Shuodan Hu, Boyang Ye, Xiaoran Hu, Wenfei Xiao, Hong Yu and Chuanqing Zhang*. Diversity and resistance to thiophanate-methyl of Colletotrichum spp. in strawberry nursery and the development of rapid detection using LAMP method. Agronomy. 2022,12, 2815
2. J.Y. Wu, Y.N. Sun, X.J. Zhou, C.Q. Zhang. A new mutation genotype of K218T in Myosin-5 confers resistance to Phenamacril in rice bakanae disease in the field. Plant Disease. 2020, 104(4) :1151-1157
3. J.Y. Wu, X.R. Hu, C.Q. Zhang. Molecular detection of QoI-resistance in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing strawberry anthracnose based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay. Plant Disease. 2019, 103(6):1319-1325
4. Zesong Lin, Jianyan Wu, Pierce A. Jamieson, Chuanqing Zhang. Alternative Oxidase Is Involved in the Pathogenicity, Development, and Oxygen Stress Response of Botrytis cinerea. Phytopathology, 2019, 109(10)
5. Jia Li, Zhike Feng, Jianyan Wu, Ying Huang, Gang Lu, Min Zhu, Bi Wang, Xiang Mao, and Xiaorong Tao*. Structure and Function Analysis of Nucleocapsid Protein of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Interacting with RNA Using Homology Modeling. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015, 290(7): 3950-3961
6. Jianyan Wu, Jia Li, Xiang Mao, Weiwu Wang, Zhaobang Cheng, Yijun Zhou, Xueping Zhou*, Xiaorong Tao*. Viroplasm Protein P9-1 of Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus Preferentially Binds to Single-Stranded RNA in its Octamer Form and the Central Interior Structure Formed by this Octamer Constitutes the Major RNA Binding Site. Journal of Virology. 2013, 87: 12885-12899
7. 宋郝祺, 杨晓琦, 李阿根, 吴鉴艳, 张传清*. 樱桃采后灰霉病菌对甲基硫菌灵、乙霉威和腐霉利的抗性. 农药学学报, 2022, 24(6): 1385-1392
8. 吴倩倩, 庄超杰, 吴鉴艳, 张传清*. 浙江省西(甜)蔓枯病对甲基硫菌灵和啶酰菌胺的抗性检测及抗性机制. 农药学学报, 2021, 23(6): 1117-1122
9. 孙雅楠, 哀嘉彬, 唐爱妙, 吴鉴艳, 张传清*. 浙江果桑菌核病的病原菌鉴定及其对4种杀菌剂的抗性检测. 果树学报, 2020, 37(12): 1934-1940